Twisties Museum
- Isobar
- Concept
- Art Direction
- Design
- Photoshoot
- Website
- Campaign
- Social ads
- Digital ads
- YouTube ads
- POS assets
We transformed a passive snack eating moment into a positive brand building experience.
By tapping into existing fan behaviour, we simply asked our audience to submit a photo of their Twisties that looks like something – and in the process turned snack time into play time.
We added an additional layer to Twisties Museum for 2019 that visualises what the Twistie is imagined to be. We did this by adding a spotlight that casts a shadow showcasing what the Twistie is. The spotlight perfectly fits in with the theme of an artifact in a museum.
2019 was is the second year we ran Twisties Museum and we more than doubled the amount of entires and social activation from 2018.
- 1,000+ entires in 2018
- 2,000+ entires by mid-campaign 2019
- Positive shift in brand considerations

YouTube video ad
Social Media Ads
Post copy: Open Bag. Examine Twisties. Use imagination. Find a Twistie that looks like something. Upload a photo. Win $1K weekly or up to $100K grand prize!